Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mr. President why bother with the naysayers?

Mr. President why bother with the naysayers?

As this session of Congress progresses and as the campaign season heats up, the GOP have decided to not play the game of politics with you.
An established definition by a very brilliant man Albert Einstein states, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Have we not learned anything since the beginning of this administration? What we can expect from the “Naysayers,” regardless of what is offered, or how it’s offered, their response will be NO, NIX, NADA, NIL. Expecting a different result would be “Insanity.”

I know you have good advisers to assist you, and I know you are also a very smart man, but continuing down this path of “conciliation” will not yield the desired results.

As one commentator stated recently..” when you move to the right and the right also moves to the right, all that has happened is the center shifted and it moved to the right.” When you make these moves what are you getting in return?
These moves continue to water down the proposal and objective, while in the end, you get nothing back for the effort.

Please change your strategy. Determine where you want to be in the end, and then set that as the minimum of acceptable results. Do not give away the store before you open for business.

I stand behind you and support what you are doing, but trying to work with those who are not interested in improving this country is just too distracting. Set your program and goals, and then go for it, because the change is what we need and the change is why you were elected.