As we have heard and seen from our two political parties this word seems to be growing in a new definition. It is morphing into a more combative term that is hurled at each other like a spear.
Phrases such as “You Lie”, “It’s a baby killer”, and “Revoke & Repeal” have been added to conversation. The combative nature of this speech is presenting a problem for the currently seated electorate. When you become an obstructionist, anti-movement, or even a rejectionist, you have no place to go. How in the world can you be involved in reconciliation?
It is time for “WE THE PEOPLE” to end this futile childish behavior and elect people who understand you don’t always get what you want the first time; you don’t get all the goodies just because you asked for them. If a consensus is required you need to negotiate your best position, give and take, barter and arrive at a deal that will work for everyone. Individually and with careful consideration of all sides a resolution can be found. It may not be all the marbles, but it’s a start, a first step a foundation upon which to build. It’s far better to be part of the process, a negotiator and team member than sit on the sidelines and yell foul at those working the issue. This isn’t the American way. Nobody likes the kid who says, “my bat, my ball, my rules, either my way or the highway.”
History has not written this chapter of our political saga. The ink is still wet and the authors and still working on the words that will be placed on the parchment, but if the players don’t change their strategy the outcome will not be favorable.